Monday, July 18, 2011

Pictures bring good memories

Last week I created groups on facebook for my different school classes. One of the schools I left in 1995 and since then I had contact with very few people. Since the group was created we have had some pictures of “back in the day” posted there. It is so funny how looking at those pictures and people made me feel like I was a child again and made me want to see some more pictures.

It is funny how pictures can brings back good memories. So I sat there and laughed about things I had forgotten and really enjoyed it. This technology is great to have allowed us to take tonnes of pictures but I must say, I miss flipping through the pages of a photo album. But nowadays it is just too hard to choose which pictures will make it to the album and which will be left out of it.

1 comment:

  1. Hence i worry if that if my house were to burn to dust,would i be able to save my pictures,which mean the world to me.
