Thursday, August 18, 2011

Surviving PR Btech

I may still have a few months to go until I have completed my Btech but I believe I can already give some tips for surviving Btech to the 2012 class, especially the crazy part-time people who are doing all the subjects in one year like I am. So here goes:

1. Get a BlackBerry. You will definitely need it and it will save you a lot of airtime and Internet costs.

2. Ask questions (and take notes while doing so) until you are sure of what you are meant to do or otherwise you may confuse yourself.

3. Plan and organise. Very, very important! Assignments cannot be done the night before.

4. Have a calendar. Do not only mark it with the due dates of assignments, but also the nights you are planning to work on them.

5. Have an assignment folder. Have a dedicated folder with the assignment briefs in order of due date. For those with no brief, a page with the title will do.

6. Colour code. I am a visual person so colour coding is very effective. Each subject has a colour assigned and I use this colour on the calendar, for emails, in the assignment folder, etc.

7. Have paper. Lots of it! You will probably print more than you printed throughout the whole of the National Diploma (this also means that you must be prepared to read a lot!).

8. Exercise at least once a week so you can stretch your body. Even if it means waking up early on a Saturday morning. It will do you more good than sleeping late.

9. Get a massage. Get one at least once a term. Carrying all that paper around doesn’t help your shoulder muscles.

10. Think outside the box. You are a Btech student now. Be creative but always with reference.

11. Social life. Forget it! You do not have one. The closest you will get to a social life is when you are meeting your fellow students for group assignments. But always remember that when November comes it will be worth it!

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