Monday, August 15, 2011

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain)

What this statement means is that when a person has only one idea this person is at risk of just seeing things in that one way, becoming obsessed with that one idea and not seeing a world of opportunities that are available.
It is great to have a focus or a goal in life, but having only one can be dangerous. Not only because of the risk of obsession but also because if that one idea does not become a reality, one may end up with nothing at all.
We need to have a career goal, a personal goal, a community goal and for each goal more than one idea on how to achieve it. We also need to be flexible with our goals and ideas so we don’t get stuck at a dead-end trying to make an idea that will never be successful happen.
I think that the more ideas you have the more you get it.  It is almost like pedalling a bike, when going from a standstill (no ideas), then the first pedalling (first idea), the, as you gain speed it becomes more difficult to stop than to keep on going.
We all ride our bicycles at our own speed, the important thing is to keep on riding and gaining speed.


  1. Very well explained, thanks for sharing the insight! I got this as a quote of the day and was wondering whether it's good or bad to have one idea, because on one hand you will do what it takes to make it happen, on the other hand you are going to be quite limited in life.

  2. As a leader in a global organization, I see the importance of everyone's idea(s). If we all work together and respect each other, one idea can snowball into something great! Thank you Carol for sharing your very insightful comments.
